Things We Can Create

StoneThread Publishing has just released a new anthology, Things We Can Create, and I have an story in it. (If you use the coupon code LL29S, you can get 1/3 off!)

Several of the authors are participating in a blog hop to promote the book. So here’s my installment:

What is the title of your story?
Bake 10-13 Minutes or Until Golden Brown

Describe your story in 1 sentence
In a near-future setting, when humans have lost the ability to see in color, a mother tries to figure out how to adapt her baking skills to their new reality.

Where did you get the idea for this story?
With four children, I do a LOT of baking, and one day I got to thinking about how difficult it would be if you couldn’t see the bread browning or the cookies getting tan around the edges.

If your story were optioned for film, what actors would play the main characters and why?
It’d work better as a Pixar short than a movie! In which case, I vote Elastigirl.

Who are your favorite writers? Why?
I’m a medieval literature specialist in my day job, so I’d have to say that the author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Pearl is a woefully underappreciated genius. More recently, I’d pick Tolkien. I’m not sure one should say one has read LOTR. I think the progressive tense is more accurate. I am reading LOTR. Because I come back to it regularly and see something new every time. Of living authors, I adore Lois McMaster Bujold and Margaret Frazer.

What else about this story will enthrall readers?
How big changes are often, ultimately, a collection of small changes.

What are you working on, now?
I just sent a completed novel to a small press for review and am working on finishing a second. I’m also teaching a Tolkien class this semester.