Research and Teaching

I recently retired after more than twenty-five years of teaching.

Most commonly, I taught the Harry Potter series, Tolkien, medieval literature, and contemporary fantasy.

By training, I am a medievalist, and I am delighted to have more time to read in my field.

I am not at present publishing academic research.  My work focused on direct address in medieval and early modern drama. While still in graduate school I founded the Duquesne University Medieval and Renaissance Players, a troupe dedicated to producing early drama.  The group still exists and performs.  In June 2015, my medieval drama class performed a play for the Festival of Early Drama and we were thrilled to find ourselves rubbing elbows with my former production troop.

I also published and presented on Tolkien, Harry Potter, and memes as literary criticism.

My large-scale projects at UMD included the Mithril Turtle, six week, twenty-odd event series commemorating the 60th anniversary of Lord of the Rings.

My final presentation at an academic conference was about how Hamilton uses many of the same techniques of medieval drama.

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